Tuesday, May 27, 2008

day 1: welcome to athens, now pay your fine...

good new - i've arrived in athens and as predicted the adventures have begun...

i managed to successfully (well almost successfully) maneuver the subway system to get to my hotel. I feel the need to stress the importance of getting your subway ticket validated before you board the subway. If not, you too could also receive a gift from the subway patrol in the form of a citation just like i did earlier today. I'm literally in the country for not even 2 hours and I've already been cited for something. I pleaded my case at their central offices so I'm hoping to get out of the 48 euro fine. good times! i'll keep everyone updated once i hear back from them...

other than that i've spent the majority of my day exploring the city and eating my first gyro which only cost 1.8 euros from a street vendor - not too shabby. oh and i forgot to bring my camera out with me today - reason 22 why it's nice traveling with kevin - so i have yet to take any pictures. the weather is warm to say the least - i think it got into the mid-80s today so my pale skin has started that slow burn.

tomorrow I'm traveling to santorini so I'll definitely include photos in my next post.

i'm off to my first 10pm dinner - yes the norm is to eat dinner after 10 pm. do you think they frown upon people showing up to eat in their pjs?

Until next time....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty soon there's going to be wanted posters up with your description. "The suspect is known to frequent bars and pubs"