Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Good news and bad news...

Good News! We've crowned a champion in the King of Greek Beers contest...

It took kevin less than one day and 3 sips to lay down his official ruling. Mythos and its Premium Quality easily beat out Alpha beer or better known as the Bush Light of Greece. For those of you who travel to Greece don't waste your euro - head straight for the mountains of Mythos.

Okay - now the Bad News. I'm not blaming anyone because accidents happen, however my camera is no longer working. Everytime it turns on an error message appears saying "Lens error, restart camera." I'm not sure how this happened. I do know that when Kevin left for Santorini Monday morning the camera was working beautifully. As a matter of fact he even claims he took pictures while he was there. Once again - not that I'm blaming anyone all I know is the camera was fine when I last saw it....

In case you're interested I looked online to see if I could find a way to fix the error and the majority of advice I came across indicated that as I pressed the ON button I should repeatedly hit the camera on a table - hopefully knocking loose whatever partical of dust that is enabling the lens to open. Many and I mean MANY people have had success with this method. Unfortunately we did not.

Therefore, this entry will be light on photos...

After being delayed 9 hours Kevin finally arrived on Saturday. Originally we were hoping to get a little sightseeing in but that was before he arrived so late in the day. Therefore we dropped his backpack off at Kathy's house and headed into downtown Athens. First stop was a cafe in the Thissio area of Athens. Kevin was delighted to discover that with every drink you order they bring out a bowl of complimentary snackings (usually chips or peanuts). We also stopped into the Irish Pub I visited earlier this month and caught a Eurocup match. At 11:30 that night we left the pub and headed over to the Psiri area for dinner. Kevin was amazed at how late we were eating and he was even more amazed at the amount of other people who were also eating as late as we were.

Dinner was so good that kevin managed not to fall asleep in it. After being up for over 24 hours we called it a day. Afterall we have a lot of sightseeing to do tomorrow - that unfortunately I can't show you photos of because they can't be uploaded to the computer. Once again...I'm not blaming anyone and especially not Kevin who last used the camera....

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